F&J Martin publishes monthly a newsletter, with the last news on normative and juriprudential innovations produced in the Financial and Tax area. Also gives his opinions in this matter, of countable innovations, especially of the resolutions of the Institute of Accounting and Account Audit. On this newsletter one accompanies a doctrinal commentary on some topic of tax or countable current importance.
The Firm is present in the new technologies area, across the tax web Fiscalcomunicación.com, who is defined as the door of access to the Financial and Tax Spanish-American law.
F & J Martín Abogados also writes up an interesting bulletin of legal and tax news (newsletters), which is sent by e-mail weekly.

Our professionals take part activly in the production of investigation works, that are published by the most important publishing houses (Aranzadi, Ciss Praxis, Comares, The Law Current importance, Marcial Pons, Tecnos, etc.) and magazines of the sector (Taxes, International Tax Review, News of the European Union, Spanish Magazine of Financial law, Magazine of Financial Law and of Public Estate, Technical Tax Magazine, Local Taxes.




F & J Martín. Despacho de Abogados especialistas en Derecho Financiero y Tributario. Frase de la semana: "Para las adquisiciones de activos nuevos realizadas entre 01-01-2003 y 31-12-2004 los coeficientes de amortización según tablas se multiplicarán por 1'1"
© 2002 F & J Martín Abogados