
The complexity of the tax law turns out to be every time major and affects, of out-standing form, in the practical majority of managerial decisions. For it, the professionals of the firm are specialists in the sectors in which this branch of the Law can be subdivided, such as tax procedures, direct imposition, indirect imposition or international taxation.

This high degree of specialization is also combined with a coordinated work team, to offer the customer a global and complete treatment of his tax problems. On all the areas of specialization mentioned below the members of the firm have published known works.



F & J Martín. Despacho de Abogados especialistas en Derecho Financiero y Tributario. Frase de la semana: "Para las adquisiciones de activos nuevos realizadas entre 01-01-2003 y 31-12-2004 los coeficientes de amortización según tablas se multiplicarán por 1'1"
© 2002 F & J Martín Abogados