Managerial Funding.

The services that the Firm gives in this area include the study of the different formula of managerial funding and taking each to the concrete case, cause the same present a tax diverse treatment. We are also in front of a matter where a great conflict takes place between the Administration and the taxpayer, motivated by the possible qualification as fraud in equity or in law, or legitimate option economy of the use of one or another formula of funding (example: Leasing or renting instead of loaning).




F & J Martín. Despacho de Abogados especialistas en Derecho Financiero y Tributario. Frase de la semana: "Para las adquisiciones de activos nuevos realizadas entre 01-01-2003 y 31-12-2004 los coeficientes de amortización según tablas se multiplicarán por 1'1"
© 2002 F & J Martín Abogados